The train station nearest to where I put up with Eliss. It's just a couple of stops to the airport.

The Aboriginals playing their instrument to sell their CDs along Circular Quay. The next Australian Idol, perhaps?

The Rocks is the oldest site of Sydney, something like our Boat Quay during the early 60's.

The sandstone buildings still stand, making it a tourist attraction.

An interesting contrast between ancient and modern.

Well, that's the Sydney Harbour Bridge. I'm going up to take a look.

Those guys came before me! And they are climbing up the bridge. Pretty scary thought.

Looks like there is going to be a lot of walking today.

The traffic as heavy as it was near the peak hours. I reckon I'll have to drive by here daily to work at Epping. If I get the job. :P

That's the Sydney Opera House, taken from the other side of the bridge.

The Queen Victoria Building was first opened in 1898 by the mayor.

The QVB must be one of the swankiest malls around. Historical, and modern at the same time.

Shoppers making a fast one before the stores closes at 7pm or so.

Caught up with Christian, a German friend from uni days. He is based in Sydney now.

That's the place Chris said was very good. Well, no harm giving a shot.

The interior is quite cool, with the business types sipping away German ales.

Veal Schinitzel with mushrooms and chips. And a huge mug of German ale to wash it down. Chatted for hours. He said that he will try to drop by Singapore when he goes back to Germany. Going to treat him to Fish Head Curry! Haha!

After dinner, we parted and I went on to take some night shots. The CBD is quite pretty when the sun sets.

Eliss worked late again. And she wanted some piping hot Chinese food. So we went for a standard affair of stir fry.
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