I don't know why, I just love this picture. Maybe it's the cloud formation.

That little hut looked so cute, and was simply dwarfed by the backdrop.

We'll be going to the Rock, catching a 20 minute cruise ride from Pier 41.
The famous seals that always "relak one corner", are at their usual spot sun-tanning.

When the need for prisons increased with rising crime, the government looked at Alcatraz. In the Bay, close to land, but still so far away due to currents, tides, and water temperature, Alcatraz seemed like the perfect choice for a maximum security penitentiary. For 34 years it operated as such, harboring the worst of the worst.
Well, this is it. Welcome to Alcatraz. Let me show you around the island.

That's the building where the inmates are locked up.

I'm at the "Broadway", basically the corridor of the cells by the sides. The headphone is pretty cool as it not only illustrated, but also added some sound effects of the heydays.

This is a solitary confinement cell, where inmates were deprived of light and sound. A lot went mad inside. One of them entertained himself by trying to locate a button he cast on the ground. So poor thing.

The command post looked lonely between the 2 blues of the sky and sea.

I can imagine the inmates envious of the seagull, and wished they could just fly away from this place.
Well frankly, I prefer the atmosphere at Port Arthur, Tasmania. You could really feel the atmosphere changed when you stepped into the cell. Suddenly, you will feel a deep sense of hopelessness and depression.
Maybe Tasmania was also quieter, and it was winter at that time.

This is one of the toughest shot I've had in this trip. The bee just wouldn't sit still!
The Union Square area was beautiful with lots of things to see and touch.

I wonder if the prices inside Macy's really will make people jump. And please remove your shoes before you do.

I wonder if he was riding and talking to his mobile at the same time. Or the new Apple Hi Fi really create sound this big.

He sure knows that drinking lots of water daily is great for health.

Interesting ad on the cab. It's like a moving chorus board.

Notice how steep the road is at Chinatown.

My kind of music!

Oven baked escargots with herb butter. It has a melt in your mouth texture. Marvelous!

Too much beef for the whole week, had grilled shrimps for a change. A nice change indeed!

The famous ice cream parlour. What a great way to end the day after a heavy meal. Did I mention that it was rather cold that night too?

Now you see it...

Now you don't!