Happy birthday, Joseph (left)!
Julia (right) planned a surprise party for him at JuJu.
Joseph with his cell members.
Errr... what are you doing?
The gang enjoying some raw beef slices. Tasted quite good, actually.
Ollie and Sharon loved the yaki soba and okonomiyaki.
We had shabu shabu this time, instead of sukiyaki for a change.
Have a blessed 31st birthday, Jo!
Hope you like your pressie!
After a hot meal, a bowl of green tea ice cream was like... err.. icing on the cake.
Ben showing off his new pet on his arm.

Remember that "ranger" who placed that brown envelope on your car windscreen, while you were tucking in that sumptuous dinner?
Or when you come back from your big shopping spree, and notice that slip clipped on the wiper?
Yes, the grey ranger had struck.
They has just undergone a makeover and now don a new uniform of a pale green shirt, dark green pants and jumper and a light brown Akubra hat.
They are also going to be expanded tourism ambassadors, apparently.
New duties will include providing directions to visitors and tourists and handing out pocket-sized maps.
Haha. Imagine our "Fatimah" in Singapore doing the same. That'll be a joke.
So hopefully, all these will keep them busy and will not be so active in issuing tickets to us, drivers.
Cool dude, nice photography work there... any chance you can send me bigger size photos?
oh bummer i just tried clicking on them now :)
Awww man I miss Sydney and all of you guys !
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