Sunday, July 15, 2007

Watch out, world! Here comes the weapon of mass seduction!

Meet Osama's niece Wafah Dufour, the daughter of Yeslam, one of his half-brothers.

"It isn't easy being the sexy bin Laden." she said in an interview.

Her occupation? Pop star, reality television star and wannabe actor.

She's the bomb!

I played squash for the very first time yesterday, after much encouragement from friends.

Didn't really want to pick that up, as I thought it's quite silly. I mean, 2 guys hitting a ball against the wall and chasing after it? So duh.

Anyway, I held the racket and ball for the first time. The first thing I noticed was that the ball doesn't bounce. So you need quite a fair bit of energy to hit the ball with the whole arm, not just wrist power.

And I had to keep my body profile low to hit the ball, as it doesn't really bounce. Now my thighs are aching like mad.

And also muscles and joints that I didn't know existed are pretty sore too.

Feel like a cranky old man now.

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