A man was looking for a new home on Microsoft's Virtual Earth, and accidentally stumbled across an aerial image of a US submarine in dry dock showing, with the top secret propeller design totally visible.
The propeller design is an integral part of a submarine's ability to remain undetected during operations, ensuring that it can patrol the seas in stealth without giving its position away to surface ships.
This is so scary! We are constantly watched by some Big Brother satellites. Where is our privacy, mate?You better hide your illegal pets, like elephant or panda before someone catch you.

Atlanta residents are proposing city-wide ban on low-slung pants, or any clothing that exposes underwear in public.
If the bill is passed, male violators will be fined for exposing their boxers.
This would also prohibit women from exposing the top strap of their thong underwear.
Thank God for that!
It's interesting to note that very low-slung trousers are already banned in the southern US city of Delcambre, in Louisiana, where offenders' cheek can earn them a fine of US$500 or up to six months in jail.

We went to Dendy at Newtown for the very first time to watch an independent movie.
Pretty surprised to see Qi Yuwu in it, but he acted really well.
Highly recommended, please go and watch if you can.
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