I picked her up at the airport and went for a quick lunch at one of her favourite pho place at Marrickville.
We ordered the special set as usual, with the lots in it.

Domokun! She got them specially from Taiwan because she knows I like them.
I reckon they sort of become my signature, ever since I attached a big fluffy one on my key chain which hung off my berms.
When we got home, she opened the luggage and gave me another 7 business shirts and a pair of Air Force 1.
She also brought back heaps of 8 Days, I Weekly, Straits Times, New Paper and my favourite Taipei Walker magazine from Taiwan.
Feel so loved!

Guess the thermometer at SMH is broken. How cold is it now anyway?
Eliss wanted to send the Honda to the car wash as it was full of shit, bird shit from the 2 weeks of parking at the visitor's lot.
Looks like the weather today will provide a free wash for us.

In the evening, we caught Inkheart. If you like fantasy, this will be your cup of tea.
However, don't pin too much hope as Rotten Tomatoes gave it a mere 39%.
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