Thursday, August 14, 2003

Wow, it's been a while since I last updated. Let me give you a summary of what happened.

First thing first, I've finally managed to post some of Eliss's Japan tour pics. I experienced some technical difficulties, but glad that it's resolved.

To view, go to "More photos" as usual and click on "Eliss in Japan" folder.

How did you spend National Day? I went to watch Tomb Raider with Eliss and a few CG members. Lara Croft rocks in this sequel with her sultry British accent and death defying stunts. I reckon it's REALLY much better than the prequel. I still think Angelina Jolie is best suited for this role, can't really think of anyone else.

Spent my Sunday evening with family at Parkway Parade. Ate my favourite Apollo Fried Kway Teow at the hawker centre. It's really wet and yummy, very unconventional way of cooking.

Will finally get to attend the convocation ceremony. It'll be on the 23/9. Supposed to have in on the eve of my birthday, but due to Iraq War and the SARS epidermic, it's been postphone till now. Hope they won't change again due to Jakarta bombing.

I think this Nokia Bluetooth Wireless Headset HDW-2 is pretty cool. No more messy wires going all over the place. But I'll need a new mobile that supports this gadget...not with my 8210 for sure... 6100?

This HP iPaq H1910 is really cool. If I got spare cash, this will be my choice!

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