Time flies. It's not been an easy month for the 2 of us, no thanks to the "relaxed" pace of Aussie telcos.
They took 40 days to hook up an ADSL Wireless internet at her apartment! Although we had the best equipment (think iMac G5 with built in iSight and her iBook G4 with iSight, both with built in Airport Express and WiFi ready), and we can't chat over the internet!
And the stupid daylight savings didn't help (think Sydney is +3hrs ahead of Singapore). When we chat at 9pm here, it's 12am over there.
That aside, I'm still happy that I let her go to chase a dream. A door that we prayed very hard finally opened, and God's time is always the best time. Even if it seems not at our understanding.
I look forward for the trip to visit her in May. I missed Sydney. The last time I went during summer, the whole Darling Harbour was so smoky. It's worse than the time we had problem with Indonesia's forest fire. May is definitely cooler and better time to visit.
I need to get another Mambo T shirt.
I sent my Nikon for a clean up, to remove all the dust on the CCD. I hate to do all the Photoshopping to remove the dark pecks, it's driving me nuts! This will do it once and for all. And they updated my firmware too, now my D70 is like D70s already. Cool.
6 more days to LA and SF. It's been a dream to visit US since I was really young. I couldn't join my mum and sis when they went because I already went to Europe beforehand. So it was only fair that my sis get her chance to travel.
Air Trainer SC High
This is my first ever pair of Nike. It was the most comfy thing that I ever set my feet in. Nike re-issued the same model but in a different colourway.
Have you ever thought of quitting your full time job and just go traveling? Work in a pub, or just picking strawberries in a foreign land. Sounds ridiculous, but what do you have to lose?
Have a great week ahead!
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