Greetings from Taiwan! I'm now at Terminal 2 of Taipei Airport, on transit to LA!

All the chinese words are in "fun ti", so very hard to read. And the translation sounds funny too!

The airport is very very quiet. Nothing much to shop, except DFS and local specialties.

We have to walk pass the custom with X Ray vision. Scary when looked on the screen, ya?
With only 2 hours of sleep last night, I look forward for the next flight so I can really rest. Woke up at 4.15am and reached the airport around 5am.
China Airlines is better than expected. They served decent food and kept serving us drinks. Really feels good to be well hydrated on the plane. I drank like 5 glasses of fluid in the 4hrs flight.
Managed to watch the first Harry Potter movie finally. The actor is really cute, and his voice hasn't changed yet. Haha, so funny.

Very hungry, settled lunch with a nice bowl of ramen with stewed pork. Yum!
The trip has been great so far. I'll post up the pictures when I come back next week.
So, sms me if you want to tell me anything as I won't be picking up the phone.

Gotta go! Have a great week ahead!
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