After yesterday's power packed service, tonight service will be even better. We were only expected only to be released after 9.30pm. It's the longest service of the year so far.

In the Talent Time segment, the group struck a pose before their grand exit.

Yo, wassup? The hip hop group grooved to the beats and did gravity defying stunts that we can only dream about. I'll not try this at home, because I can't even do 20 push ups at one go anymore.

The judges were so impressed and gave a standing ovation. The contestants must have felt so proud!

We also have Make Up competition for the very first time. Ordinary girls were transformed into butterflies with the strokes of the brushes.

The girls looked unrecognizable from the before and after shot.

The X Box Winning Eleven Challenge saw England vs Brazil. An unlikely final in the Germany 2006 World Cup, I reckon.

England emerged top, after a nerve wrecking penalty shoot out. It's a cruel way to end the match but that's how the game goes.

Pst Kong giving a challenge to Pst Derek. If Pst Derek wins this arm wrestling competition, he will get 2 weeks off. Pst Meng is no push over, so let's see who will emerge victorious!

Pst Derek showed off his brawn today, after a power struggle on the table. Everybody was rooting for Pst Meng, but home ground advantage alone was not sufficient today.

Sun dropped in as a special guest, and we had the privilege to listen to her soon to be released album.

The Emerge Conference has certainly proved one thing. Christians are the most happening bunch of people, we just need to change our mindset about who God really is.
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