I was supposed to go shopping at DFO tonight to look for some business pants. I left the office and drove 14km to Homebush West, only to find out that it is closed.
"There's no late night shopping here, champ." said the security guard.
I couldn't help but sensed the sarcasms in the tone. It sounded almost like "you champion, lar" in local context.
Oh, for non Singaporeans reading this, if someone calls you a champion, or said that you "win already", do not take it literally as it's probably not a compliment.
So, I made a detour and ended up at the Nike Factory outlet at Auburn. They were having a 30% discount store wide sale.

I picked up a pair of Total90 Shoot TF soccer shoes for $49, and a pair of anklet socks for $4.90. Not bad, eh?
I love the crimson colour, and its fierce looks.
I've been eying this model for a while, but couldn't bear to part $70 for them. I thought this will be good for some kick around on the pitch, instead of wearing actual boots.

Is this this the latest designer underpants? Yes and no.
Blood pressure is not hard to measure, but the necessary equipment for clinically accurate measurements – a cuff, a pump, and stethoscope or electronics – is bulky and heavy.
The smartypants at Philips have developed sensors that can be sewn into the waistband of a pair of underpants that measure and calculate blood pressure for as long as the garment is worn.
I wonder what would the readings be if the guy see his wife dressed in a sexy teddie, giving him the come hither looks.
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