This is also a time when many people will go back to their home country for holidays.

We went to Norita in the city to have some desserts and drinks, sort of like a farewell party for those are flying off.

Michelle will be leaving next Tues. We'll miss you!

Ben will be leaving next week, Jess and Channey in a couple of weeks time.

We'll be hanging around for Christmas. BBQ anyone?
Ben taught me how to play dai di and bridge, which I had never play before.
After several rounds of explanation, Eliss caught on but I was still lost. I must be either slow up there, or I'm not cut out for card games.

It was a cold night, and ma la hot pot seemed to be the obvious choice. We went to San Cheng at Chinatown, which is infamous for giving us LS the next day without fail.

Channey ordered medium spicy which is not for the weak hearted. The amount of oil and chili floating on the stock packed enough punch to knock out any ang mo here.

This spicy cold noodle dish is Eliss's fave. She always ask for this when we dine in a Sichuan restaurant.

We had a great evening and I wish you all will come back really soon. Let's go for another one when everyone is here.
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