Friday, December 12, 2008

Since we are approaching the new year, I would like to take this time to reflect on the highlights of this years and thank God for all His blessings.


2008 was ushered in with spectacular fireworks. We didn't get close to the waters like last year.

It's still a wonderful memory on how we twist and turn at Bondi, and ended up at this vantage point at Rose Bay.


This year's Valentine was very special as we celebrated at the summit of Mt Coot-tha in Brisbane, when my wife was still my uni sweet heart. It brought back many wonderful memories.


Bought an early birthday present for myself. Wanted to get a Honda Jazz but ended up with a Skyline R33 GTS.

Never ask someone with a Supra to accompany you to buy a family car.

My new colleagues surprised me with a birthday cake.

And I celebrated my 30th with some close friends. No big party, no binge drinking, friendly one.


Went on my very first business trip to Melbourne. Very excited!

Church camp at at Wanawong at the Shire. I love the coastal drive.


Church 3rd birthday celebration, and I had a minor role in the drama.

Derek and Noni got hitched at the Observatory Hill, which was so breathtakingly beautiful.


Izaeel and Ranger came to visit us from Brisbane. I've got some many stories of her, but I'm not Gossip Girl.

We had our 2nd International Food Festival in church and food was even better than last year.


We had supper with Pst Derek, who married us 3 years ago, and his team at Golden Century. It was unreal! We only got to hear them preach on stage but to have a chat was just amazing.

For our 3rd wedding annivesary, Eliss pulled my leg and told me she couldn't come and pick me up at the airport from Melbourne, but appeared at the carousel!

She brought me to a very nice Japanese place at Martin Place for a bbq buffet.


Posing infront of the Singapore embassy in Canberra. Canberra is as boring as Tasmania, and not as beautiful.

In the mood of NDP, the Singaporean dressed in red and had a pot luck of local delights at Eliss's office.

Sipping Yeo Hiap Seng and watching the live streaming of NDP at home. Never felt more patriotic, although this feeling only comes once a year.

Church moving to new premise, so many weekends were spent helping to clean up and paint.

Ryce amd Mel came to visit us from Melbourne.


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