Sunday, December 28, 2008

Earlier this month, we donated a few boxes of presents to an orphanage in Bali ran by Sarah's parents. I designed this simple card so that we can write the kid's name and a personal message to them.

What started as a cell group effort became a church effort as the word spreads.

I just got an email from her today and look how happy the kids are with their goodies from Sydney! Can you see the cards on the brown paper bags?

It's really more blessed to give than to receive, especially after seeing how little it takes to make someone's day. It's their first time they ever received anything from overseas.

All of them have not heard of of Santa Claus, which is a surprise to me. I thought every kid would know him.

What are you doing on NYE? I've not missed any fireworks so far in the 2.5yrs that I'm here.

The red dots represent the vantage points to see the fireworks.

Where will you be?

Taken at Milsons Point in 06.

Taken at Rose Bay in 07.

I want to upgrade myself in 2009.

It'll be nice to go back to school. I plan d0 a part time photography cert at TAFE.

Eliss had a sudden craving for Korean spicy tofu soup, so we headed for some at Strathfield.

The menu here is errr... interesting.

Shit in the hot pot?!

Melted ice cream with sausages?!

I'm sure they are just typo errors or bad translation because the food taste great here.

Chap Jae, one of my favourite dish. I still have a packet of the dried ones in the drawer bought a year ago. I have the recipe but somehow didn't managed to cook it.

Eliss, the chef cooking the pork belly and marinated beef ribs for me ever so lovingly all the time.

Thank you, dear!

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